A frozen shoulder causes more than severe pain. It affects the quality of life as you cannot move your shoulder or even lift your arm upward. Often, it gets hard to do daily chores like dressing, combing hair, washing dishes, or reaching for your wallet in a back pocket. You may lose your sleep because it is impossible to lie on the affected side of your body. At some point, you may even become dependent on painkillers and medication. They aren’t the best remedy because of the side effects that come along with prolonged use. Thankfully, there are ways to deal with a frozen shoulder without medication. You can use them for addressing the pain and resolving the condition eventually. Here are the remedies worth trying. 

Try ice packs 

Applying heat to a frozen shoulder seems like an ideal relief measure, but things work better the other way around. You can get excellent results with an ice pack. Buy one from the pharmacy or even use a packet of peas for pain relief. But make sure you do not apply the pack directly to the skin. Wrap it in a towel, and press it over the affected area for lasting relief. You will notice a difference after a few applications. Applying hot and cold packs alternatively also helps.  It is specifically beneficial if you suffer from swelling along with pain.  

See a physiotherapist  

If the problem is more deep-seated, ice packs alone will not help. You will need professional help to address the issue. A physiotherapist can recommend the right set of exercises and design a routine that works for you. Ideally, exercises such as stretching, rotation, finger walk, and cross-body reach help with frozen shoulder treatment. You can also install a shoulder pulley at home and learn how to use it from the therapist. While physio exercises take you a long way, everything boils down to being regular. Follow the rule of “little and often” instead of one hour a week to keep your shoulder moving.  

Rest does not help  

It is tempting to rest when you have a frozen shoulder because moving the area may aggravate the pain. But experts recommend that you shouldn’t rest because it will only make the shoulder more stuck. Work on increasing the flexibility within the frozen shoulder to thaw it. Start with a gentle massage if exercising sounds daunting. Massage relieves tightness in your muscles and relaxes them to restore mobility and improve function. Further, it improves blood flow and reduces inflammation in the affected area. Once you experience relief, you can start with mild exercises like stretching and moving the frozen muscles.  

Frozen shoulder is a common problem you may come across as you grow older. You may encounter it after an injury or surgery. The condition can affect mobility and hamper daily tasks, so you must address it sooner rather than later. The best way to handle it is naturally, without relying on medication and painkillers. These remedies can help, so make sure you tailor a treatment plan with them.