Does your mind ever feel foggy now and then? Do not fret. It is a common occurrence with little things such as forgetting keys or song titles. These small lapses are not as concerning as greater problems such as severe memory loss. In both cases, it is possible to extend and maintain your brainpower and minimize the chances of serious neurological conditions.

The brain is one of the most complex organs in the human body. It is like the body’s operating system, controlling every action of your limbs by shooting neurons and maintaining your consciousness. For this reason, it is important to support good brain health.

There are many tips for promoting good brain health. Over time, the body ages, and our minds take on more information. The brain changes with these developments. Just as you would want to maintain good physical health, supporting good brain health is a responsible wellness action that reduces risks of neurological conditions and supports better mental fortitude.

Get Moving

It’s time to get active and stay active everyday to support good brain health. It may be the number one thing you can do. Exercising has numerous benefits including those for good brain health. Try incorporating some type of physical activity into your day. You can start off with an easy thirty-minute low-intensity walk.

Evidence has shown that from being more physically active there is a decreased likelihood of experiencing a decline in mental function and a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. This may be, in part, due to increased blood that promotes oxygenation of the brain and strengthening brain connections.

Over time, brain connections reduce as a part of the aging process. Getting that blood pumping has been shown to counter the natural reduction of brain connectivity, reversing and improving some mental functions. New cell development is promoted through exercises increasing connections between brain cells.

Remember that exercise is not only good for losing weight and maintaining a healthy body. It is also good for keeping your brain in shape. To really get the blood flowing, try your hand at different cardio exercises. The healthy impacts on the body achieved through exercise, such as lower blood pressure, are also beneficial for good brain health.

Reserve Time for Rest

Rest is important. You may have stopped taking naps in kindergarten, but you still need to find time to rest as you get older. It may be even more important than when you were younger. There are varying theories as to the role sleep plays in supporting good brain health.

A prominent theory is that sleep aids in clarifying your brain of abnormal proteins and retain memories that bolster overall cognitive function. Doctors recommend trying to get between seven to eight hours of consecutive sleep per night. This consecutive sleep allows the brain to have time to do its restorative work.

If you are not getting enough sleep, experience broken sleep, or suffer from any sleeping disorders, it is best to consult with your doctor on the best course of action to achieve a good night’s rest. Sleep deprivation can have dangerous effects not only on your brain health but a daily lifestyle.

Eat Healthily

You may hear (or read) this time and time again when crossing health-related articles, or even self-care articles, but eating healthy is vital to good brain health and overall wellness. It is recommended to include larger portions of plant-based foods: whole grains, fish (high in Omega-3), and healthy fats, like olive oil. This may contradict your current diet, especially if you live in America where there is more emphasis on red meat, fast foods, and salts.

Depending on your genetics, lifestyle, dietary needs, or conditions, your diet may look different. Not all healthy diets are necessarily beneficial for you. For example, someone allergic to gluten would have to strictly monitor their intake. If you have poor gut health, you have to consider what foods are kind to your digestive system.

All in all, there are still common foods, chemicals, and other products that are well-known to not be healthy, such as too much greasy food, undercooked food, and too much caffeine.

Stimulate Your Mind

When the brain is working, it makes new connections between nerve cells and possibly generates new cells, promoting better cognitive functions. The brain is working when you are stimulating it through mental activity or activities where knowledge is key. This helps to keep your mind at its best.

On a high level, you should keep learning all the time. Find something new and engage in it. The mind is still developing, so why not learn new things. For every day, you can do what is called mental gymnastics. This involves mentally stimulating activities such as doing online puzzles or solving math problems. Expand on this to get hands-on with mentally stimulating activities like wood crafts.

Get Out in the World

Getting out in the world allows you to combine some of the previous tips mentioned such as stimulating the mind and resting, and also develop positive habits and lifestyles that support good brain health. One such habit is developing community connections which are associated with lowering risks of dementia.

Avoid Unhealthy Habits

Avoid the things that are unhealthy for you. This includes any destructive habits. Unhealthy habits will have a detrimental impact on your brain health. This is observed to be a result of decreased synaptic connections. 

Avoid addictive substances such as tobacco and abusing alcohol. Curb overeating and indulgent tendencies and look at developing more productive lifestyle habits.

Do Something Out of the Ordinary

Doing something out of the ordinary is an interesting practice because it allows your mind to rest or learn, and possibly both at the same time. When artists find themselves in a rut they are commonly told to take a break and do something they usually don’t. This allows part of their mind to rest from what they were doing and learn in a new situation.

Doing something out of the ordinary allows the brain a break from routine and expected outcomes to be challenged. This can aid in strengthening connections between brain cells.

Promoting a Healthy Brain

Good brain health is important and you can improve it every day. Try incorporating some of these mental practices into your daily activity to support stronger mental. Find activities that work with your lifestyle to get the best out of them. Your brain is your powerhouse. Make sure to keep it in tip-top shape.