You surely know how your hip and knee joints are connected, but most of us don’t give our spines a second thought unless something goes really wrong. Everyone at an older age faces constant backaches due to spinal problems. Some of us even face spine issues at an early age.
How does the Central Nervous System work?
The spine is essential for overall wellness. It is a part of the central nervous system and operates in unison with millions of nerves like a large electrical circuit.
These nerves then convey messages to the brain, which have an impact on how the body functions. The nervous system includes the brain, spinal cord, and nerve roots. Basically, each action of our body is related to the central nervous system. For example, having a sudden reflex to a hot mug is also controlled by our nervous system.
When we touch that hot mug, the spinal cord sends signals to the brain that something wrong has been done and an action is required, accordingly we snatch our hand from that mug. All these happen in milliseconds of time.
Causes of spinal problems
Because the spine affects every part of the body, you may feel numbness or discomfort in your fingers, toes, or neck. We can pinpoint the specific location on the spine where it originates and that can identify the problem we are facing.
Alarmingly, young children at the age of 12 are also facing many neck and spinal issues. Many of them suffer from cervical pain which is caused by keeping the neck down while typing on a smartphone or constantly bending in a certain position.
Nurses, hair stylists, architects, workers, welders, and dentists are among the most common sufferers, as they are constantly bending themselves in abnormal positions.
Simple solutions for back problems:
For many people, surgery is the only option to get rid of spinal and neck problems. Many people have benefited from innovative, cutting-edge therapies such as kyphoplasty, which involves inserting an orthopedic balloon into the spine to restore vertebral height.
However, you don’t need to go to the hospital to improve your spine essentially if you are facing only minor pain. Here are a few simple practices that can help you avoid or perhaps reverse your back pain. Let’s go through them quickly:
- Straighten your back and sit properly
Poor posture can throw your back out of alignment and cause pain. Make sure your ears are in line with your shoulders. Pull your shoulder blades back, or in the “angel wings” position. People who have good posture frequently have a lot of self-assurance and have a good body structure.
- Heads up
When using a smartphone or a laptop, keep your head up and avoid the constant dropping of your neck down in a certain position. Consider the following: An adult head weighs 10 to 12 pounds in its neutral state. But the stress pressure on the spine grows as the head tilts forward, making the skull effectively weigh 27 pounds at 15 degrees and 60 pounds at 60 degrees. So, instead of bending your neck, use your eyes to glance down at your gadget.
However, bending and extension range-of-motion exercises are beneficial for stretching your neck. For example, one easy and most effective exercise is to extend your head back after bending it forward. Try stretching and tilting the left and right sides individually. Do this a couple of times a day for more effective results.
- Breathe properly and consciously
Simply place your hands on your stomach and inhale and exhale to feel the current movement and try spending some fruitful time doing yoga and body stretches in the morning sun for best results.
Throughout the day, be aware of your breathing and take deep breaths. The spinal nerves are stimulated by deep breathing and will have a very positive impact on your spinal pain eventually.
- Rebuild and strengthen Your Core
The buttocks and abdomen are obviously the part of the core, but the psoas muscle, your innermost core, and the muscle that connects the spine to the leg are also important aspects of a good posture.
Do one minute of planks (arm balance), 25 pushups both of which aid posture by strengthening the upper chest and scapular muscles, and one minute of half crunch-type sit-ups every day for a triple dose of core strength. All these exercises will strengthen your core, eventually leading to better spinal cords.
- Consider spinal fusion
If your spine issues have gone too far and it is not something minor then you should consider spinal fusion surgery. To increase stability, rectify a deformity, or relieve discomfort, spinal fusion permanently joins two or more vertebrae in your spine.
Spinal fusion is a procedure that can permanently join two or more vertebrae in your spine, preventing them from moving. Techniques for spinal fusion are aimed to mirror the natural healing process of damaged bones. During spinal fusion, your surgeon fills the area between two spinal vertebrae with bone or a bonelike substance.
To hold the vertebrae together into one solid unit, surgeons use metal plates, screws, and rods. Spinal fusion surgery recovery may take some time, so make sure to give your body proper rest. Spinal and neck problems can occur at any age and to avoid serious problems at an early age, try avoiding bad postures, and constant abnormal positions.
A major cause of back pain that today’s generation face is not getting appropriate sleep and bad sleeping schedules. The disc height decreases during the day as a result of standing and increases and recovers at night as a result of sleeping and hydration, according to studies on astronauts.
Our body needs rest, so tighten your sleep schedule. Also, Supplementing with calcium and vitamin D is critical for spinal health. Omega 3 and Vitamin B have also been shown to aid neuron metabolism. Drink plenty of water to keep your muscles hydrated.