Are you feeling sleepy in the morning? And noon? And every moment of the day? You’re not alone. Or at least this is what the CDC is reporting. It reveals that one in five adults isn’t sleeping enough, and insomnia affects people of all ages.
Insomnia is the medical term used to describe the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep for several nights and even months. However, insomnia refers to a complete lack of sleep and a couple of sleep problems like non-restful sleep, early morning awakening, difficulty falling asleep, and waking up in the middle of the night.
Sleeping is of crucial importance for your health considering that the human body is created to spend a third of the life asleep. Sleeping has a myriad of health benefits, from boosting memory and learning to reenergizing the cells and regulating the immune function, hunger, and libido, and mood.
Don’t be a night owl. Insomnia has numerous negative effects.
Few people brag that they need less than six hours of sleep at night. When you cannot have a good night’s sleep, you can try to put a positive spin on a negative situation, but taking a heroic attitude can damage your health. Everyone wants to be a night owl but getting insufficient sleep can
- Affect your motor function and trigger hazardous driving
- Lead to irritability, fatigue, and excessive daytime sleepiness
- Weaken your immune system making you more predisposed to health issues
- Trigger high blood pressure that can increase the risk of heart issues and diabetes
- Worsen chronic pain
- Lower concentration and focus and lead to a lower work performance
- Exacerbate mental health issues like anxiety, PTSD, and depression
Techniques that can relieve insomnia
Remove blue light from the bedroom
All screen devices (tablets, smartphones, computers) emit blue light, which is harmful to the human body because it can affect the health of the eyes and disturb sleep patterns. When you have insomnia is best to minimize screen time a couple of hours before going to bed to help your body get a good night’s sleep. If you have to use screens until late at night, use a pair of orange-tinted glasses that protect your eyes from the harmful effect of blue light. You can also install an app on your device to prevent the screen from emitting blue light.
Nap during the day if you’re sleep-deprived
Naps are an excellent way to get extra rest when you cannot sleep peacefully at night. However, ensure you don’t get a too-long nap because it can make falling asleep difficult. The ideal nap is under 20 minutes. A short nap can also improve your mood, alertness, and performance. Nap in a dark room to enjoy maximum benefits.
When you nap for more than 20 minutes, you can experience grogginess and inertia that often lasts even for 30 minutes after you wake up from your rest.
Get active
Regular exercising can keep your energy levels high during the day and helping you fall asleep faster at night. However, you should engage in active exercises at least 5 hours before you go to bed because another way your body can still feel pumped from the exercises and make it even more challenging to doze off. Depending on your preferences and fitness level, you can pick from a variety of exercises. Yoga or Pilates may help you relax and alleviate the stress that can prevent you from sleeping peacefully.
The research into the effect of hemp Flower on sleep is relatively new, but the latest conclusions suggest that it can help you sleep better. Some reviews found a potential link between CBD and the therapeutic effects on social anxiety disorder, epilepsy, and insomnia. CBD also helps you control the cortisol levels that is a stress hormone that peaks in the morning. However, when you experience insomnia, your cortisol levels can peak at night, impacting sleep quality and boosting wakefulness.
Use the bed only for sleep and sex
You have to train your brain to associate the bed with sleeping. If you use to work on your laptop on the bed, you need to switch to another place because you confuse the brain. Use the bedroom only for sleep and sex to send the right message to your brain when you step into the room. Move to the living room for sleeping, watching TV, and playing on the computer. You want your mind and body to associate you getting in the bed with relaxation and sleep.
And don’t forget to keep the bedroom cooler than the other rooms of the house to improve sleep quality.
Mind the circadian rhythm
Going to bed and waking up at the same time daily can help you improve your sleep patterns. Maintain the same schedule even during the weekends because it helps your body have a consistent sleep-wake cycle. These habits can help you fall asleep easier and sleeping deeply during the night.
You can improve the quality of sleep if you get adequate sunlight in the bedroom in the morning. The moment you wake up, close the drapes and allow the rays of the sun to enter the house. Also, it may help to go outside in the sun for 30 minutes daily.
Avoid drinking alcohol
Alcohol is a deceptive drug because it gives you the impression it helps you fall asleep. But in fact, it’s one of the drinks that disrupts your sleep patterns because it interferes with your sleep cycle and makes you wake up earlier the following day. Drinking alcohol can also make you sick and wake up at night. Alcohol blocks the deep restorative rapid eye movement essential in REM sleep. It also relaxes your throat muscles, triggering snoring and sleep apnoea.
The bottom line
A healthy lifestyle can alleviate insomnia. CBD can reduce anxiety and stress and improve sleeping patterns. Figure out which change in your daily lifestyle can help you fall asleep easier and sleep deeply at night.