You spend your life planning for your retirement. You might work with a professional financial planner early on in your career to decide what your financial goals are at that time and also what you want for the future. 

During your retirement, if you planned carefully early on, you may be able to pursue the interests you always thought about when you were working full-time. It can be one of the best times of your life, but you have to make sure that you’re staying active and engaged. 

The following are some of the important things to know about staying healthy when you’re retired. 

Health Insurance During Retirement

As you near your targeted retirement, you have to start thinking about some specific things, including not just how much you’ve set aside and what your sources of guaranteed income will be but also what your medical expenses may be and how you’ll cover those. 

The healthier you can be during retirement, the lower your health care and long-term care costs are likely to be. 

You’ll want to make sure if you’re leaving your job that you have health insurance coverage that protects you as well because otherwise, you could find yourself spending a huge chunk of your retirement savings managing your health. 

Many older people do have chronic conditions that require a lot of doctor’s visits, even if they’re in fairly good health overall. 

If you retire before you’re 65, you’ll have to find health insurance that will cover you until you’re eligible for Medicare. Even after you become eligible for Medicare, you might also want a supplementary insurance policy to provide even more protection and reduce your out-of-pocket expenses so medical costs aren’t eroding your savings. 

With these things in mind, staying healthy during retirement isn’t just about your physical well-being. It also affects you financially. 

You might also consider long-term care insurance if it’s not already part of your retirement plan. 

Long-term care insurance helps provide coverage if you become chronically sick. Long-term care insurance can cover expensive costs such as in-home care or assisted living. 

The earlier you sign up for long-term care insurance, the better because you’ll be more likely to get approved and also get a better rate if you’re in pretty good health. 

Move Your Body

Moving your body is one of the best things you can do for yourself in retirement. Commit to exercising everyday, even if it’s something simple like going for a hike or walk. 

When you exercise, it helps you mentally feel better and keeps you cognitively sharp. It also can help prevent chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease or at least help you manage them more effectively. 

How you exercise is up to your personal preferences, but it should be something you enjoy. 

Have a Routine

Yes, retirement is about the flexibility to spend your time how you choose, but it’s still a good idea to have a personal routine. It doesn’t have to be stressful or rigid, but most people tend to feel better and be healthier when they do have routines. 

Find Purpose

Retirement doesn’t have to mean that you do nothing with your time. In fact, most retirees use this time to explore doing things they love and that give their life purpose and meaning. For example, you could join a senior sports or recreation league or volunteer your time. 

You might go to a church or join a senior center. 

Learn Something New

You can learn new skills, whether it’s a language, how to build a website or how to play an instrument. This is good because it keeps you engaged and thriving, and it’s great for your cognitive health. 

You can learn a new skill by taking an online course, or you can do it in person if you prefer. 


Socializing isn’t just fun. Social connections and the relationships you have also keep you happy and healthy. 

Before you retire, you may have relationships and opportunities for socializing at work. Once you no longer have that, you need to make sure you’re replacing this. 

Consider Relocating

Finally, if you have the financial and logistical ability to do so, you might want to consider moving when you’re retired. This can be good for your health. 

For example, when you’re older, getting outside and getting plenty of sunshine is important. A warmer climate can promote better health, as can clean air. 

That’s why places like Florida always attract so many retirees.