If you’re considering undergoing a cosmetic procedure, you’re not alone by any means. These treatments are becoming more popular with each passing year. In fact, just over 20 years ago, the number of cosmetic surgeries and procedures performed annually was just over 1.5 million. Today, that figure has soared to nearly 5 million. It’s expected to continue to increase as new techniques come to light, procedures grow increasingly less invasive, and more people shed their fears about cosmetic surgeries. Though numerous cosmetic procedures are gaining their fair share of attention, blepharoplasties have become the most common.
Blepharoplasty is a type of eyelid surgery. It’s performed to remove excess skin on the eyelids to eliminate drooping or excess skin. In some cases, fat deposits around the eyes are removed or contoured as well. All this leaves clients looking younger and less tired. Blepharoplasties are sometimes performed to eliminate vision obstructions caused by drooping upper eyelids rather than for purely cosmetic purposes. This procedure can be combined with others to target multiple issues as well. You may have several questions about this type of procedure, and we’re here to answer them.
1) What Happens During Eyelid Surgeries?
First, you’ll visit a cosmetic surgeon for a consultation to determine your unique needs and expectations and exactly what needs to be done to achieve the desired results. Then, you’ll return for the actual procedure. Some blepharoplasties are performed in a cosmetic surgeon’s office whereas others take place in an operating room.
Before the procedure begins, your physician will mark the creases in your eyelids and pinpoint the skin to be removed. Then, you’ll be given a local anesthetic to numb the eyelids. From there, your physician will use a scalpel or an electrically heated needle to remove the excess eyelid skin. Lasers are used for some procedures. Once the physician confirms that the right amounts of skin have been removed and the eyelids are symmetrical, he or she will use sutures to close the incisions.
2) What Results Can I Expect?
After blepharoplasty, your eyes will appear brighter and more open. The skin around your eyes may appear more youthful as well. Specific results depend on the extent of the blepharoplasty and any other procedures you have in combination with it. If the procedure was performed to help remedy vision obstructions, you’ll be able to see much better after the fact.
3) How Long and Difficult Is Recovery?
Following the procedure, you can expect a certain amount of swelling and bruising. This is only temporary. It should fade within a few days or a couple of weeks. Most clients feel very little pain or discomfort. You may need to avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activities for a few weeks after the procedure, but you’ll most likely be able to return to work and most of your normal daily activities within a few days.
4) How Long Does It Take to See the Results of the Procedure?
You’ll probably be able to see a difference immediately after the procedure. Full results won’t be obvious until the swelling and bruising fade, though. You should see the full effects within a few weeks.
5) Will I Be Able to See after Blepharoplasty?
Yes, you’ll be able to see after the procedure. You won’t need to wear eye coverings. Some people report blurry vision for a few days after the procedure, but there’s no need to worry about significant changes in your vision. If you experience blurry vision, it should clear up in a few days.
6) Will the Procedure Negatively Affect My Eyes?
No, the procedure won’t have a negative impact on your eyes or a permanent effect on your vision. Though skin is removed from the eyelids, your cosmetic surgeon won’t remove enough to prevent your eyes from closing properly. While your eyelids will appear tighter, they won’t place any excess pressure on your eyes. You may need to use lubricating drops for a few days after the procedure as an added protective measure.
7) How Long Do the Effects of Blepharoplasty Last?
The effects of blepharoplasty should at least last several years. Exactly how long they last depend on numerous factors, such as your age at the time of the surgery, how quickly your skin loses moisture and ages, and the condition of the muscles around your eyes. Taking care of your skin, using sunscreen and other protective measures, and applying facial moisturizers regularly will help prolong the effects of the surgery.
8) Will I Have Scarring?
Blepharoplasty requires only small incisions, so any resulting scarring will be minimal. At the same time, the incisions are made in the natural creases of your eyelids, so the scarring won’t be obvious. In fact, you’ll probably be the only one who sees it, and that’ll only be because you know it’s there.
9) Are There Any Risks Involved in the Procedure?
All surgeries and cosmetic procedures come with certain risks. In extremely rare instances, patients report permanent vision issues, dry eyes, and uneven eyelids following blepharoplasty. This is typically only an issue with sub-par physicians. Be sure to find a skilled, experienced, and trusted surgeon to perform your blepharoplasty to minimize the risks.
10) Am I a Good Candidate for Blepharoplasty?
Most people who have drooping eyelids can be considered for blepharoplasty. This is true whether sagging eyelids are causing vision problems or you simply want to look younger. If you’re an adult who doesn’t smoke and has no serious physical or mental health conditions, you’re probably a suitable candidate for this type of procedure.
Transform Your Appearance with Cosmetic Blepharoplasty
Hundreds of thousands of cosmetic blepharoplasties are performed each year in the United States. Men and women of all ages seek out this procedure to help create a more youthful and well-rested appearance. It’s a minimally invasive procedure with little scarring and few risks of side effects as long as you turn to a qualified surgeon. It’s also known for providing dramatic but unimposing results. If you’re considering blepharoplasty, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation to find out if this type of cosmetic procedure is right for you.