The benefits of modern technology can be seen all around us, with the latest and greatest advancements effectively changing and improving so much about the world we live in. From personal digital devices that allow people to keep in touch with their friends to sector-specific solutions improving the day-to-day operations of countless businesses, tech is having a serious impact.
One field that has seen some big benefits from the modern technological revolution is the healthcare industry. Clinics, hospitals, dispensaries, and other medical practices are all making use of new, ever-evolving technological systems and solutions to streamline their services, offer better care to their patients, and generally become more efficient overall. Here are five clear examples.
Electronic Health Record
In the past, clinics and practices had to store reams and reams of paper files on every patient. These files could be easily lost or damaged, and trying to source information on each patient could be a time-consuming, laborious process. Even as technology was incorporated into many clinics, systems for recording patient information could sometimes be slow and unreliable.
The innovation of Electronic Health Records has helped to change all of that. Statistics show that over 80% of US hospitals make use of EHR, making it much easier and simple for doctors and medical professionals to read through key details on each patient. This, in turn, allows them to provide more accurate prescriptions and better medical care overall.
Revenue Cycle Management
For clinics and medical practices, controlling revenue has consistently been a big challenge, but new advancements in the field of revenue cycle management are helping to change this. Revenue cycle management is essentially the process of collecting payments for medical services in order to actually provide revenue for the clinic or practice.
It involves a lot of administrative information, claims submissions, communication with insurers, and so on, and there are a lot of issues that can arise when this process is improperly handled. However, with an effective RCM solution in place, healthcare organizations can streamline the entire cycle, reducing the risk of errors, recovering lost revenue, and maximizing productivity.
Remote Monitoring and Wearables
New technological devices actually allow patients to monitor their own health from the comfort of their homes, reducing the need to constantly visit the doctor, while also providing their physician with essential information. Remote monitoring tools can be used on patients with chronic illnesses, tracking their health from one day to the next, and sending simple reports to their doctor, without the need for in-person interaction.
The wearable health and fitness tracking industry is also having an impact on healthcare, with an increasing number of people making use of fitness tracking smartwatches and other devices to keep an eye on their heart rate, sleep quality, and general health.
Social Media Platforms
The inexorable rise of social media has changed the way people communicate with one another in recent years, and it’s even had an effect on the medical world as well. Clinics, doctor’s offices, and other medical organizations can set up their own social media accounts to keep in touch with patients remotely, as well as raising awareness among wider populations.
These social platforms can prove to be invaluable for clinics wishing to raise awareness about public health issues, carry out community outreach programs, or simply provide a new form of patient care. The possibilities for social media usage are almost endless, and clinics can enjoy a lot of benefits from investment in this area.
Staff Efficiency
One of the more visible ways in which technology has improved medical care standards across the US and many other parts of the world is by helping staff become more efficient. In the past, more tasks simply had to be done manually, from filing patient records to taking payments.
Now, thanks to new technology, a lot of those same processes can be digital, wireless, automatically, and instantly. Clinic management software and similar solutions can be set up at medical practices to streamline and automate a lot of the simple, trivial tasks, saving workers so much time and freeing them up to focus on more important matters.
These are just a few examples of how technological advancements have changed the face of the modern medical world. With technology getting better all the time, the future is bright for the healthcare industry. Patients can feel more confident about their own health, while doctors and medical professionals can make use of new innovations to provide better care every day.