The wonderful world of kratom can be alluring, especially if you suffer from pain, anxiety, depression, or any of the other problems that kratom allegedly works against. But with the whirlwind of resources and information that talk about various qualities of kratom, you might feel a little apprehension about taking a dive into the market.

It’s true, kratom does inspire a palpable, noticeable change in the way that you feel, and most people enjoy the experience. But if you’re still curious about what kratom does and how it feels, this concise guide should provide you all the information you need.

First Things First – What is Kratom?

Kratom – scientifically called Mitragyna speciosa – is a tree that’s native to Southeast Asia. It grows native to countries like Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, and Papua New Guinea where it’s used as a mainstay in folk medicine remedies. Many locals chew the leaves or steep them to make tea as a pain relief solution.

In the last decade, kratom entered the US market and was advertised as a pain relieving alternative to many of the opioid medications that are widely used throughout the country. And that’s why it became so popular in the first place.

Opioid addiction is a common problem in the United States, causing some 128 deaths everyday. And because kratom was found to be helpful in the treatment of opiate withdrawal, many of those who struggle with dependence transitioned to the herbal alternative with successful results.

According to statistics, 87% of those who use kratom for opiate withdrawal report a significant reduction of their withdrawal symptoms. The same study found that 35% of respondents were completely free from their dependence after less than a year of using kratom products.

But more than its ability to treat opioid withdrawal, kratom has also been found to provide a host of other benefits. Around 67% of those who use the herb leverage its benefits against depression and anxiety. And while the literature might be scarce, there’s evidence to suggest that kratom might also have a roll to play in fat loss.

What Does Kratom Feel Like?

A common question among first time users or even just curious potential buyers is what does kratom feel like? Will it make you feel high like marijuana? It’s important to remember that the reason why kratom helps with opiate withdrawal is because it interacts with the same opioid receptors in the brain.

That said, using kratom will typically feel the same way as taking opioids. But then again, that depends on the kind of kratom you’re using and the dosage you take. Different varieties or kratom veins produce slightly different effects, with some of them more stimulating, and others more sedating.

For instance, white varieties like White Sumatra kratom or White Thai kratom are known for their strong effects that stimulate the system. They’re best for people who have had previous experience using other kratom varieties.

Red vein kratom like Red Hulu kratom or Red Indo Kratom from kratom crazy are more sedative in their effects, subduing your system and making you feel drowsy and clouded. They’re great for relieving pain or for calming your nerves in the middle of an anxiety episode.

For beginners, the ideal starter choice would be the green vein kratoms which are known to be milder and easier to tolerate. Green Borneo kratom is a favorite among first timers, known for its balanced effects that don’t overwhelm the system and instead provide a soothing experience without clouding your mentality.

All that said, there are some strains that can cause you to feel high, especially in higher doses. That’s also why experts urge kratom users to use the minimum threshold instead of maxing out their tolerance every time. By consuming just enough kratom to experience the desired therapeutic effects, you can control the experience and retain functionality even with the herb’s chemistry in your veins.

What Are the Effects of Kratom?

Although every kratom vein will offer slightly different outcomes, you can expect ultimately the same end. These products are popular for their benefits against a range of discomforts that might keep you from feeling your best, or that might interfere with your daily functioning.

Some of the effects of kratom include:

  • Relaxation
  • Calm
  • Lowered or eliminated pain sensation
  • Mental clarity or brain fog
  • Appetite changes
  • Sleepiness and drowsiness
  • Slowed breathing

Keep in mind that everybody is different, so the reactions to kratom might change from person to person. For example, some people report feeling absolutely void of hunger for the duration of their kratom use while others claim that kratom makes them feel particularly hungry. The same goes for its cognitive effects with some people reporting mental clarity and others complaining of brain fog.

Can You Get Addicted to Kratom?

Some people say that the feeling of the kratom high can be so pleasant and satisfying that some users end up ‘chasing the feeling’ until they’re addicted to the substance. But that’s not exactly how it works. Most of those who use kratom need it as maintenance for some long-standing, chronic health issue. This can include anything from opioid addiction to simply chronic pain.

Because they use kratom regularly, their bodies get used to the presence of kratom chemistry in their system. When this happens, their tolerance for the substance increases. That is, their body will call for higher doses to experience the same benefits it did when kratom was new to the system.

As your tolerance increases, so too will you have to increase your dose. With time, it’s possible to find yourself taking dangerous amounts of kratom to satisfy your need. And because your body is so used to its presence, simply stopping its use might produce withdrawal like symptoms.

Do note that even organic substances like coffee can cause a similar effect, so it shouldn’t be too alarming. What’s important is that you manage your dose and aim to keep your tolerance level low by taking regular breaks from kratom use and rotating various strains to keep your therapeutic threshold from increasing.

Should You Use Kratom?

While some of the risks might seem daunting, it’s a good reminder that thousands upon thousands of people use kratom freely without having to deal with the dangers. And that’s simply because they’re responsible with their use. Remember that even as a natural remedy, kratom comes with its fair share of risks. But with the right management, you should be able to reap its benefits without having to worry about the dangers of overdoses or dependence.