As CBD’s various effects, including potential health benefits, continue to take mainstream markets by storm, gathering mind-bending numbers of consumers, this unique chemical compound is the main focus of many studies and medical research.
Cannabis legislation procedures and popular media also surround CBD. One thing’s for sure – shops like CheefBotanicals make CBD commercially available on a global scale.
Even though positive remarks and health claims mainly surround CBD, consumers are repeatedly hit with a lot of misinformation. Regardless of where you live, you’ve probably heard some of the myths regarding CBD vape carts.
There’s no denying that more and more people turn to CBD for recreational, wellness, and medical purposes. However, a little bit of clarity around these claims might just help you decide whether to give CBD a chance or not. With that in mind, we’re going to mention the main CBD myths.
1. CBD Is More for Medical Purposes
According to many claims, CBD has medical properties and therapeutic effects that can improve a person’s wellbeing and help with a range of health conditions. The range includes various forms of epilepsy, insomnia, anxiety, depression, acne, and chronic pain.
While CBD is a certified therapeutic compound, it’s only acceptable if it contains small THC traces. In most jurisdictions, the level of THC has to be lower than 0.3%.
When it comes to the myth that CBD has some health benefits and is more suitable for medical purposes than recreational, it’s safe to say that both purposes are proven. CBD allows the consumer to feel more relieved of stress, focused, and relaxed in social settings. It can be used for both medical and recreational purposes.
2. CBD Isn’t Psychoactive
One of the biggest misconceptions is that CBD isn’t psychoactive, while THC is responsible for getting you high. Countless CBD brands and manufacturers are claiming that their CBD oil products won’t get you high. According to them, their CBD won’t alter your consciousness.
Well, this is false. CBD is psychoactive but not in the way THC is. While it impacts your psyche, it does so in a beneficial way, by providing stimulating, mood-elevating, alerting, anti-craving, antipsychotic, and anxiolytic properties.
3. CBD’s Health Benefits Aren’t Clinically Proven
This myth is partially correct. All claims that CBD has health benefits need further research and clinical testing. Benefits that include anti-cancer, anxiolytic, and analgesic, require additional testing and investigation.
At the moment, CBD treatments for conditions such as IBD, migraines, insomnia, anxiety, and chronic pain haven’t been approved. However, with many medical and clinical trials well underway, CBD will likely be approved somewhere in the future.
4. CBD Activates Cannabinoid Receptors
The human’s endocannabinoid system has various receptors, mainly the CB1 and CB2 receptors. Chemical compounds like THC can provide therapeutic properties that might affect the treatment of metabolic, infectious, psychiatric, gastrointestinal, inflammatory, and neurologic conditions.
However, this is not the case with CBD. This chemical compound has no stimulating effect on both CB1 or CB2 receptors. Instead, CBD stimulates and promotes the natural process of producing endocannabinoids in the body. In other words, it doesn’t activate the receptors.
5. You Don’t Need Much CBD
Many think that taking CBD in small doses is enough to provide the wanted effect. Since CBD isn’t anywhere nearly as potent as THC, this myth is false. You’ll need much higher doses than with THC oil, especially if you’re using CBD for stress or pain relief.
To experience the full effect of CBD oil, you’ll need to consume it quite frequently and in large doses. There are multiple studies in this area, all consistently agreeing that using CBD oil for certain conditions requires higher doses of consumption.
6. There Are No Side-Effects Associated with CBD Consumption
While CBD certainly has some potential health benefits, it isn’t without its downsides. If you come across a CBD brand that claims their products don’t have any side effects, know that they’re not telling you the truth. CBD is associated with some potential side-effects, mostly referring to the situation where a person consumed higher doses.
7. CBD Is a Scam
Since the wellness industry is quite a large market in the world, there are countless brands out there, trying to beat their competitors and maintain strong revenue growth.
Naturally, there will be those who’ll claim that CBD products from their competitors are either a scam or entirely unnecessary. However, keep in mind that the best way to make sure you’re using the right CBD product is to stick with CBD brands that transparently offer access to all the necessary evidence that their products are clinically tested and pure.
Do your research to learn about what qualities to look for when searching for a quality CBD product.