Sometimes, you may not know it, but there is already something wrong with your body. To keep your body in tip-top shape, you need to get annual health check-up to assess your overall wellbeing. And, doing that means undergoing certain types of laboratory tests.

Here are some laboratory tests you should get to check your overall health: 

  1. X-ray

The usual x-ray that will be asked of you during an annual physical exam will be a chest x-ray. This x-ray will be able to check your lungs, as well as your spine. Most especially for heavy smokers, getting an x-ray is very important. Click here to check out the complete list of laboratory tests you need to undergo regularly.

  1. Electrocardiogram (ECG) 

Another common laboratory exam you should be taking regularly is an ECG, also known as an electrocardiogram exam. This exam is non-invasive and painless. There will be sockets attached to your chest that will measure your cardiac activity, which would depend on the electrical activity from your heart.

  1. Urinalysis

Urinalysis is a laboratory exam that will test your urine. If there is something wrong with any of your organs, it will show in your urine. For example, a urinalysis can detect diseases and disorders, such as kidney diseases, urinary tract infections, and diabetes. The appearance and concentration of urine will be the tell-tale signs if there is something wrong with your organs.

  1. Complete Blood Count (CBC)

Complete Blood Count, also known as CBC, is one of the most common tests that doctors let you go through. Just looking at your blood, doctors can already know a lot of things about your health. Whenever you need more nutrients, it will show in you CBC. Your blood count won’t be complete if you are missing nutrients.

  1. Lipid Panel

A lipid panel is necessary when your blood has been tested for triglycerides and cholesterol, which are early warning signs that you need supplements or diet changes to prevent heart diseases. Once you get your results, you need to check whether or not your good cholesterol (HDL) or bad cholesterol (LDL) is in good levels. You would want high good cholesterol and low bad cholesterol. Moreover, results from your lipid panel will let you know which kinds of food to avoid and keep your heart healthy.

  1. Mammogram

If you are a woman, it’s important that you take a mammogram every few years since women are more susceptible to breast cancer. Taking a mammogram regularly will allow you to spot warning signs that will help you prevent worsening conditions. Once you spot these early, you can get immediate treatment before things exacerbate.

  1. Pap Smear

For women, taking a pap smear is also needed to screen for cervical cancer. Beginning age 21, women should be getting this test every three years. Always remember that early detection is very important to save money and prevent further complications.

  1. Bone Density Scans

Once you hit age 60, you should already be getting regular bone density scans as you are more susceptible to osteoporosis. This will help you control your conditions and strengthen your bones before they break down. 

  1. HIV Test

If you are sexually active, it is highly advisable that you take HIV tests regularly, most especially if you engage in unprotected sex. This will check if you have any sexually transmitted diseases. Once you know that you have one, you can prevent yourself from spreading it to others. By taking an HIV test, you won’t only help yourself, but will also help others by not infecting them with whatever sexually-related disease you may have.

  1. CT Scan

Computed tomography, also known as CT scan, will allow doctors to see what is happening inside your organs and body. This is also non-invasive, so you won’t need to worry about pain. Two-dimensional images of your organs will be shown to the screen. By looking at this, doctors can assess whether you have problems in your organs or have a tumor. Spotting any of these early will help prevent you from experiencing any health complications in the future.


“Health is wealth,” as they say. Routine physical exams are very important especially as you grow older. It is always best to spot things that are wrong with your body early on rather than at a much later time, when things have already worsened.  The laboratory tests listed above are the ones you should take on a regular basis just to make sure you are healthy enough or for you to know whether or not you need preventive treatment.