First appointment
Your teenage years have just arrived, or you never found or visited the right gynecologist for you. The time has come, and you feel an itch, or an odour or a rash. Seeking help will ensure your reproductive health is not at stake. You have never visited the gynecologist, and you have a million questions running through your mind. You don’t know what to do, what to expect, or what to say at the visit. Take a deep breath; a gynecologist visit is normal and healthy and helps to keep you healthy. Daniel Roshan MD obgyn specializes in matters concerning your reproductive health and will take you through the journey towards recovery and give you the knowledge and information you need to know how to take care of yourself. However, it does remain your responsibility to prepare before your first visit to get the best out of it.
The Appropriate Age
The need to visit a doctor to examine your reproductive health starts when you get to your teenage years. Once you reach adolescence, which is typically at the age of 13, your reproductive organs develop and the need to have them checked arises. You may have passed the minimum age, but that should not alarm you if you have not yet experienced any complications. You may experience anxiety for your first visit but relax, if you feel on edge, bring a trusted family member along to make it easier. The doctors remain professional and will create a natural atmosphere of professionalism and hospitality. The doctor engages you through the process and welcomes your questions to help you feel relaxed and comfortable.
What to Expect
The first visit will entail several tests and will depend on factors such as your age, your sexual life and any specific reason for the visit. The doctor will take your blood pressure, and your height and weight measurements as a standard. The next step will involve a general exam of the genital area, the pelvic area and the breasts. A PAP smear should not alarm you as it checks for any presence of cancer. If you fall below the 21-year age limit, you may not need a PAP smear. The gynecologist may decide to converse and get the information required without doing any physical exams, especially if you are young.
The External Genital Exam
The genital exam involves an examination of the health of your reproductive organ. The areas examined include the vulva, clitoris and the anus. The doctor will also check the vaginal opening and should not be cause for any alarm. Another possible test for those above the age of 21 is the PAP smear that involves scraping off some cervical tissue to examine for any diseases.
The tests conducted, and information shared at the doctors remain private for women aged above 18 years. However, if you are under the age of 18, then the doctor may share the information discovered with the guardian as part of standard procedure. However, any information shared will help in facilitating your health. The level of professionalism does not allow the sharing of sensitive information without the guidelines provided.