The current statistics show that one in every four deaths in the United States can be blamed on heart disease. That is about 647,000 people each year, with a price tag of over $220 billion each year related to the costs of medication, health care services, and lost productivity. With so much at stake, there is a need for individuals of all ages to start improving their heart health now.
Get More Active
A lot of people use the excuse that it takes a lot of fancy equipment and resources in order to be healthy, but when it comes to supporting your heart, all you need is your arms and legs. The Centers for Disease Control advises that regular physical activity is one of the easiest but most important things that can help your heart health. Getting regular exercise can give you more than just heart benefits, as dozens of studies show that it can help you control weight, improve your fat-to-muscle ratio, lower the risk of heart disease, reduce your blood sugar levels, and the risk potential for type 2 diabetes. Long-term exercise benefits also include a reduced risk of hypertension and some cancers, as well as being able to help lower blood pressure. For individuals of all ages, you can improve your bone and muscle strength with weight training and strength-based exercises, which improves your ability to withstand damage related to daily activities or falls as you grow older.
Lose Your Belly Fat
Not only can excess belly fat creates a disruption in your appearance, but it can also create extra work for your heart and other body organs. As your bodyweight rises, so does your risk potential for a heart attack from plaque build-up in your arteries. Being overweight or obese is a primary risk factor for heart disease because it is linked to other conditions like high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. Obesity is extremely dangerous, as it creates a condition where the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet your body’s needs. Belly fat in anyone, even people who seem to have normal body weight, dramatically increases the risk of dying from a heart condition. Belly fat triggers the chemical production of elements that trigger chronic inflammation, a precursor linked to a variety of diseases. A weight loss program is going to be critical to long-term heart health, and you need to replace your poor dietary choices with good ones.
Lower Your Blood Pressure
You are going to need to watch your blood pressure at all times, as the higher your blood pressure, the greater the risk of a heart attack. Poor blood pressure numbers also contribute to strokes, kidney disease, congestive heart failure, dementia, loss of cognitive abilities, and impotence. What is critical to note, is that your numbers don’t have to consistently be upwards of 140/90 in order to be at risk. New research is showing the readings like 130/80 can be early signs of life-threatening risks. Getting your blood pressure below 120/80 is your best defense in these areas. There are several ways to lower your blood pressure naturally. First of all, fill your diet with organic fruits and vegetables. A low calories diet that is full of vitamins and minerals boosts your overall health and helps you lose excess belly fat. Include supplements with your morning routine that target heart health, like a cocoa flavanol capsule or an omega-3 pill, as a way to improve your body’s intake of needed nutrients. Increasing your activity levels, giving up smoking, and restricting your alcohol intake will also help reduce your blood pressure naturally.
These three key areas can save your heart and your life. Don’t take chances, when these simple solutions can do so much to improve your heart health.