Our muscles are basically means to contract and relax as we move back and forth. The same case would be said about the muscles that help maintain our posture as these contract and relax in a synchronized way. However in some cases, a muscle may contract involuntarily. These would be terms as spasms. In other cases, these spasms get extreme and thus mutate into cramps. This sustained forceful spasms is what causes muscles cramps.
The risk factors of muscle cramps
There are some factors that may lead to muscle cramps. These may include certain medications that may have some side effects including muscle cramps. Other risk factors that have been proven include dehydration, exercise as well as low blood levels of potassium, calcium, magnesium and vitamin B1, B5 and B6.
Signs and symptoms of muscle cramps
Muscle cramps can happen at any time without notice. It is, therefore, important that you take into consideration the signs and symptoms of the same to in order to take quick measures to curb them. One of the most notable symptoms of muscles cramps is an excruciating pain on the involved muscles. This is caused by the fact that the muscles tend to contract involuntarily and fail to relax. You may also experiences some tenderness and firmness in the involved muscles.
When should you seek medical attention for muscle cramps?
In most cases, a muscle cramp may happen quickly and without notice. It may also disappear in the same manner it appears. As such, most of these cases may not need a serious medical attention. All you may need in this case is to have some regular exercises and sometimes maybe some over the counter medications. According to medical professionals like Dr. Lucas however, there comes a time when the cramps become serious and may call for a careful medical examination and treatment. In cases where the cramps become a nuisance and recur regularly, then it is high time you sought some medical attention.
Treatments for muscle cramps
The most common treatment for muscle cramps is to relax the muscles area involved. This may be done through exercise, massage or heat application. Other notable treatments that have proven to be effective in treating muscle cramps include electrolyte repletion, rehydration, calcium supplementation and hormone treatment.
Other notable treatment for muscles cramps may involve the use of muscle relaxants the help to relax the muscles involved. In other instances, drinking simple quinine that contains tonic water before you sleep has also been proven to be effective. In recent times, there have been cases where injections of therapeutic doses of botulism toxins have also proven to be effective.
In cases where the muscles cramps become persistent, then it may be high time you sought the services of a neurologist who will then test and evaluate your blood. This will be important since this can help detect other associated diseases or activities that may be causing this condition to recur.