In this day and age, we’re all tired of hearing about the harsh reputation Millennials get. This is the first generation of Americans who are expected to be less prosperous than their parents. They’ve already got a lot on their plates. While there have been recent news headlines about how Millennials are changing the way we look at health in a positive way, there are undeniable ways in which the Millennial lifestyle challenges health as well.
From mental to physical health, this generation of younger individuals is simply falling behind. The rise of technology and social media has had a major impact on mental health, while many of the “wellness” ideas of today are leading people down a dangerous path. Does your Millennial lifestyle impact your health? If so, it’s time to take a close look at the best health insurance options.
What is the Millennial Lifestyle?
First, we need to define what the Millennial lifestyle actually is. While many older generations feel they have an idea of what this really means, very few have a deep understanding. In reality, growing up as a Millennial has been a challenge. Millennials face a lot of pressures like rising student debt, pressure from older generations, and a lack of career prospects.
Because of this, Millennials have also become reliant on technology. This is an area they can excel in above other generations. For many, it’s a way to solve the problems the world is facing. From conducting environmental research to finding new “wellness” crazes, Millennials are all just looking for some relief to the lack of positivity they’ve experienced in their own future.
Millennial Health Issues
Now that you understand the Millennial lifestyle, let’s talk about how this can have a negative impact on young people’s overall health. As the youngest Millennials are now nearing their mid-twenties, the older Millennials are approaching their 40s. These health problems are beginning to make themselves known rapidly.
Ongoing Stress – One of the most obvious health issues is ongoing stress. According to a psychology report, three-quarters of Millennials find money to be a “somewhat” or “very significant” source of stress. This comes as no surprise as Millennials are constantly held back from financial milestones like living stress-free and owning a home. Technology can also lead to stress like the compulsive need to check notifications or playing the comparison game online.
Anxiety & Depression – Millennials are the most prone to anxiety and depression compared to other generations in the workforce. This usually is related to the stress noted above, but it can also be a result of living in such a rapidly changing world.
STDs – Believe it or not, despite growing treatment options for STDs, the number of young people contracting these diseases is actually on the rise. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, young people today are choosing riskier sexual activities. In addition, there’s a persistent belief that many of these problems are no longer a threat, leading to higher rates of contraction.
Vision Problems – Finally, because young people have so much exposure to screens and artificial light, they’re prone to vision problems. While there are more treatment options for vision issues, these are costly procedures, especially for those without health insurance.
Best Millennial Health Insurance
As you can see from the health problems above, Millennials are not as invincible as they might think. Many struggle with ongoing health issues and these numbers are only rising. While we like to think of Millennials as very young, the oldest of the generation are approaching their 40s. This means health problems are only going to become more common in the near future.
Luckily, Millennials have more options for health insurance now than ever before. For a generation with so much of a financial burden already, it’s not a good idea to skip coverage. The best way to get an affordable plan is through an employer. However, many Millennials today are working side hustles, freelancing, or don’t have benefits through an employer. That doesn’t mean they don’t still have options.
The Healthcare Marketplace is a great place to find affordable options offered locally. It’s important to note that traditional health insurance doesn’t include “supplemental” coverage for things like dental and vision care. That means you’ll need to find the best vision insurance plan separately even if you’re not currently experiencing vision problems. These are usually really inexpensive, and they can be a lifesaver when needed.
It’s time to debunk the myth that Millennials don’t need health insurance. Despite what many believe, health problems are rampant amongst young people today. This doesn’t mean we can’t overcome these challenges, but it does mean we need to change what it means to be the “wellness” generation.