Punjab Residency Program (PRP) was started under the leadership of Shebaz Sharif, developed and implemented by Punjab Information Technology Board under Central Induction Policy. The system does inductions twice a year with average post graduation seats ranging from 1000-1300 across 27 to 35 teaching institutions in Punjab all depending on availability. If one does the math we come out to around 2600 seats each year which Punjab government says that they are increasing to 3000. This year alone Punjab Residency Program received more than 6000 applications over 1300 or so seats they had in available position.

If we look at the number of medical students enrolled in Punjab medical colleges that are recognized by PMDC the number is astoundingly 7000 as per PMDC website. On top of that we get medical students from outside the country and province for postgraduate applications. Even if we don’t take into consideration the already passed out medical graduates who can’t find post graduation slots the number is astoundingly 7000 students fighting over 1300 seats in each induction. That is a annual deficit of 62.8%.

It is very difficult to comprehend that what will the remaining medical graduates will do if they don’t get residency position. The only thing I can see is the remaining students adding it to the new students for the next induction cycle. So that there will be an increase of around 60% in each induction (new students + old graduates) if we do strict maths.

PRP has not only failed miserably but is on its way to destroy Pakistan’s medical specialization and post graduation industry in coming years.