Healthy kid brings happiness in any household.
The emotions of young pregnant mothers influence the health of their babies. The body of a baby consists of water on 90%. As for his or her mother, this indicator ranges from 75 till 80%. Water records any information, any emotion, and changes its structure simultaneously with every pronounced word, with every emotional state of a young mother.
- Emotions on Pregnancy: The works of a number of prominent scientists, including Academician Peter P. Garyaev, who stages his experiments in New York now, prove that curse words and extreme angry feelings could affect not only the psychological heath of those people who speak to each other in such a way, but also influence and even change human genetics.
Sounds incredible, but a number of experiments have already proved it. If you want to get additional information about it, you could see such documentary films as “Water: The great mystery” (2015), “Water memory”(2014), “Top Secret Water” (2005) were such scientists as Noble Prize Winner Luc Montaigne, Professor Rustum Roy and others speak a lot about it.According to these films, positive emotions and such words as Love, Friend, Sweetheart, turn the water structure into beautiful snowflake crystals, when the negative emotions and such negative words as Idiot, Fool and so on, force the water to look like chaos and rubbish looking crystals. So, the more positive thinking a young mother, her husband, her family members, and her friends, the better for the health of her baby.Yoga exercises are good for young mothers too.
- Positive Emotions
Love emotions, not only make a positive impact on the structure of amniotic fluids, or a pregnant woman waters, but also raise the level of oxytocin hormone, the’ love hormone’, which is very good for the development of a baby. Joy emotions lead to the direct increase serotonin hormone, which is also good for the health of a baby. - Negative Emotions
The negative emotions, such as despair, fear, sadness, anger and especially their extreme variants, they are to be avoided. The whole family of a young mother should protect her from any type of psychological aggression. Healthy kid brings happiness in any household.
- Positive Emotions
- Healthy Exercises During Pregnancy
As for the different fitness programs for a pregnant woman, the advice of a specialist is needed obligatory. Different young mother health states — different fitness programs are to be practiced.
Aqua exercises belong to the best variant of any pregnant woman, swimming coaches know a lot about their advantages. Swimming pool water does not permit to overstrain the bodies of pregnant mothers.Yoga exercises are good for young mothers too. But, surely, not all of them. Those yoga coaches, who deal with young mothers, can tailor the suitable fitness program for any type of pregnant women. - Advice
As for the healthy fitness programs, in our opinion, the young mothers are to be cautious.
Though, a lot of websites propose their services in this sphere, nevertheless, they are to be very selective. All of them propose walking fitness programs, and it is wise. All of them advise to do simple exercises on big balls, it is good for you too.As for other exercises, especially during the third trimester, it is highly recommended to visit the family doctor or some experienced fitness specialist.The health and the life of future babies are in the hands of their mothers, and they should always remember about it.