Flash cards work for many students as they are great source of rapid review on the move. But now-a-days students don’t have to do that by hand as many smartphone applications have been released over the years which have pre-made flashcards and you don’t have to make them yourself or carry them around in hard copy.
One such application by Sprockit is Pharmacy Technician Certification Board Exam Prep Flash Cards App. Pharmacy Technicians who are about to give this exam can use this application to get almost 1,000 high quality flashcards for $2.99.
It has flashcards for almost all important topics covering abbreviations, dosage forms, drugs and their suffixes, pharmaceutical laws and math formulas. The most edgy feature of the app is that you can also make your own flashcards and store them for later review.
The app also offers 3 In-App purchases of $0.99 each: one is for multiple-choice quiz from the already bought flashcards, another is the shuffle feature, and the last one is to have the feature of making new custom categories.
Cons: Their are some typos in the app and some of the definitions are not very elaborated in the app.
Considering all the features, price-set, questions and flashcards we have seen and tested we will give this app a 3.8 star rating.