A lot of us don’t really realize how serious an issue snoring, or even how widespread it is. In a recent research conducted by WebMD, almost 1 in 5 adults have snoring problem. But since most of them are too embarrassed to talk about, a lot of myths have started surrounding this, actually well researched, condition. This article outlines some of the most common myths surrounding snoring and what are the actual facts behind it.
Myth #1: Snoring is not a serious health issue
Now this myth is definitely wrong, as recent studies have related snoring to a number of serious health related issues. According to the Mayo clinic, continual snoring can lead to elevated levels of blood pressure, heart diseases, Insomnia and even strokes. Since it thickens the carotid arteries, the heart is the most affected by snoring. Also sleep apnoea is a form of snoring that is caused due to the collapse of the chest muscles supporting the air passages to the lungs. This is a serious medical condition that can even lead to death.
Myth#2: There are no medical remedies for snoring
People have been snoring for centuries, so it’s quite ignorant to believe that a medical remedy doesn’t exist. There are plenty of anti-snoring devices that have been invented that can effectively cure and prevent people from snoring. Also most devices such as the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure systems (CPAP) are endorsed by organizations such as the British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea association and are perfectly safe to you use. You can read review about this device and many other anti-snoring devices at the association blog.
Myth#3: Losing fat will instantly cure snoring
Snoring can be caused due to a number of reasons, and the excess build up of fat around the neck region is just one of them. So, no reducing the fat content of your body will help only if that is the only reason for snoring. If it is due to some other condition such as Sleep apnoea, it is highly suggested that you visit a doctor and get proper medical attention.
Myth#4: Daytime sleeping and Insomnia are not caused by snoring
According to the British snoring and sleep apnoea association, excessive daytime sleeping and feeling insomniac can indeed be due to sleep apnoea. Since it’s very hard to detect sleep apnoea, it can go undetected for years, and cause such troubles. So if you’re feeling too tired in the morning and feel like you’re not getting enough sleep, then snoring can very well be the reason.
Myth#5: Curing snoring require surgery
Unlike other otolaryngology disorders, snoring doesn’t require surgery. It can be cured very easily with inexpensive anti-snoring devices and even in some cases using natural remedies. Also snoring doesn’t require any specific long term medications either.
So in summary, snoring is indeed a very real and very annoying disorder. So stop giving into the myths and hiding behind the curtain, and just be open with it. You’re sure to find the right remedies for it with the correct anti-snoring devices.