article-0-18526ACB000005DC-592_634x356A smartphone app that uses a phone’s camera to analyse urine and check for a range of medical conditions was introduced at the TED (Technology, Education and Design) Conference 2013.

The app is the brainchild of TED fellow Myshkin Ingawale. It can test for 25 different health issues and could help diagnose and treat diseases in the developing world. Urine can be tested for the presence of 10 elements – including glucose, proteins and nitrites.

Method: Users need to collect their urine and dip a standard test strip into it. The strip is placed on a mat – supplied with the app and intended to normalise the colours on the stick regardless of lighting conditions where the photo is taken. Once the photo is taken the app will analyse which, if any, condition, the colour applies to.

The app will be available from Apple’s app store from the end of March for $20 (£13), which includes the cost of the mat and five dipsticks and developers also plan to launch it on Google Play Store for Android.
