Last month Eric Schmidt said, “There Are Now 1.3 Million Android Device Activations Per Day”. So surely there is a need of a list for top medical applications for Android also. Here is our list, pen down your comments if you think there are some apps which you liked and are not on the list.
1. Medscape: 4,000+ evidence-based articles authored by leading physician experts (supported with images and videos), 600+ step-by-step procedure videos, 100+ tables & protocols, 129 medical formulas, scales, and classifications, over 600 drug monographs with integrated dosing calculators.
2. Epocrates offers a free drug reference application—Epocrates Rx—featuring thousands of drug monographs, drug-drug interaction checker, pill identifier, and health plan formularies.
3. Calculate by QxMD: This app has more than 150 unique calculators and decision support tools for Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Surgery, Obstetrics, Nephrology, Hematology, Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Respirology and few others.
4. MedPage Today: An application which will provide you with breaking medical discoveries and CME/CE credits with daily coverage of over 30 specialties and annual coverage of over 60 meetings and symposia.
5. Harvard School of Public Health: This app provides up-to-date news on breaking public health events and research. The app also features events and activities going on or around the Harvard Medical School.
Make sure to check out Top 10 free iPhone medical apps
6. Monthly Prescribing Reference (MPR): The app contains a database of over 4,000 concise drug monographs listed by brand and generic names, manufacturer, and pharmacological class. The app also features around 30 medical calculators.
7. Standard Dictations: This app has basic templates to read while dictating. Everything from admission orders to discharge summaries, along with numerous exams, procedures, and several different types of H&P formats for different health care settings.
8. AHRQ ePSS: The Electronic Preventive Services Selector (ePSS) is an application designed and developed by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) to assist primary care clinicians identify the screening, counseling, and preventive medication services that are appropriate for their patients.
9. PubMed Mobile: Search PubMed database with over 21 million citations for biomedical articles and life science journals. The database by National Institutes of Health Sciences.
10. Eponyms: This app brings a database of more than 1,700 common medical eponyms to your device for offline access anytime.