Healthy gums are a reliable protection for human teeth. They tightly cover the root of the tooth, protecting it from food debris or bacteria getting to the base of the tooth. In addition, they provide a nutrient medium for the roots of the teeth, contributing to their overall health. However, ideal healthy gums are only possible with regular examination of the oral cavity and removal of even the slightest plaque and tartar. If a person neglects visits to the dentist, gum diseases of varying severity may develop. In this case, only timely gum treatment can reverse the course of the disease and restore the health of the gums. If you ignore the first symptoms, surgical intervention may even be necessary. Non-surgical methods of gum treatment are the best salvation from the progression of the disease and умут surgical intervention in the oral cavity.
How Do You Know If Your Gums Need Treatment?
Gum pain, inflammation, bleeding, and bad breath are the first signs that your gums are failing and you need professional help. However, most people ignore these symptoms and don’t seek help, hoping that the body will be able to recover on its own. Remember that if you notice some of these signs, the situation will only get worse if you don’t get proper treatment. Dentists distinguish between three main stages of gum disease:
Gingivitis is the mildest form of gum disease, which is easily reversible with simple measures. The gingival junction is not yet damaged, and therefore, bacteria cannot penetrate the root of the tooth. This disease can be diagnosed by obvious redness in the gum area, which indicates local inflammation. Swelling of the gum and slight bleeding are also noticeable.
Periodontitis is a much more advanced stage of the disease, which is accompanied by the appearance of a pocket between the tooth and the gum tissue. This pocket allows bacteria to multiply at an accelerated rate, and it becomes more difficult to remove them from this pocket during regular tooth brushing. As a result, together with plaque on the teeth, they descend deeper and deeper to the root of the tooth. The tooth begins to loosen even if it is healthy. Thus, if a patient ignores the first signs of gum disease, they may begin losing healthy teeth.
Advanced Periodontitis
Advanced periodontitis entails even more dangerous consequences, including gum abscess or accumulation of pus, penetration of infection even deeper, bone damage, etc. It is obvious that the more time is lost, the more difficult the treatment will be, up to surgical intervention. To prevent this from happening, it is worth taking measures at the early stage of gingivitis development.
Non-Surgical Gum Treatment Options
The first and most important preventive measure is regular brushing of teeth. Bacteria live in plaque on teeth. If a person neglects this mandatory hygiene procedure, the plaque hardens and its removal by regular brushing or dental floss becomes impossible. In this case, one should resort to professional teeth cleaning.
Deep Teeth Cleaning in a Dental Clinic
Professional teeth cleaning is a comprehensive approach which includes the following steps:
- Removal of plaque and tartar on teeth;
- Antimicrobial treatment of the oral cavity;
- Elimination of bacteria in subgingival pockets;
- Fluoridation to alleviate increased tooth sensitivity after plaque removal;
- Tooth polishing;
- Anti-inflammatory therapy using modern medicines;
- Prescription of effective antibacterial mouthwashes and vitamins.
The procedure of tooth scaling differs from regular professional teeth cleaning in terms of the depth of penetration. The dentist does not stop at the gum line but penetrates below it with a laser, ultrasound, or special instruments. In addition, the doctor performs root planing, which involves removing infected tooth tissue, smoothing out roughness, etc.
Methods of Removing Dental Plaque
If gum disease advances, a patient may need local anesthesia. The dentist will clean the gum pockets, which can cause pain. The method of cleaning teeth is chosen depending on where the plaque or tartar was found:
- One of the most gentle methods is the use of ultrasound devices. Their advanced models allow deep cleaning of teeth from plaque and tartar without the need for anesthesia. Ultrasound can also affect hard plaque in the periodontal pocket and remove biofilm.
- Dentists may use lasers to remove plaque and tartar from teeth. The laser can also be applied to gums. In this case, the doctor points a laser at the infected area. At the same time, healthy gum tissue remains unaffected. Moreover, after deep cleaning, reducing gum pockets by stimulating the growth of new tissue is an effective solution. Thus, the gum adheres more tightly to the tooth surface.
- If the gums are affected by plaque, the dentist uses special hooks. They help to extract plaque even from the depths of the gums. However, after using these tools, a doctor may also recommend laser treatment.
When diagnosing gum disease, the dentist first determines its causes. If the main one is a bacterial infection, they can prescribe antibiotics to the patient. The specific type of antibiotic is determined after examining the bacterial film. Therefore, do not resort to self-administration of antibiotics. To choose the right drug, the doctor needs to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to a given infection. Taking antibiotics is rarely an independent method. As a rule, it is used in combination with professional teeth cleaning.
The Bottom Line
Gums protect the health of your teeth and react negatively if you ignore the first painful signals. That is why you should contact a dental clinic as soon as you suspect gum disease. This step will save you from a meeting with a dental surgeon, which is an inevitable event in the case of an advanced disease. Moreover, don’t wait for the disease to manifest itself. Instead, do professional teeth cleaning regularly, at least once every six months. This procedure is the least invasive and most effective. The bacteria and plaque will not have the opportunity to gain a foothold on your teeth, and healthy gums will not be a dream of a desperate person but a reality.