It can be enticing to resort to food to make you feel better when you’re unhappy. But the sugary, calorie-dense delicacies to which many people turn have drawbacks of their own. You might therefore question if any wholesome foods will lift your spirits. The answer to that is YES!
There is evidence that some meals can help with general brain health and specific mood disorders. Since these are wholesome foods that might improve your mood, they can even be called “Good Mood Foods“!
Fatty Fish
Because your system cannot create omega-3 fatty acids, you must consume them via your food.
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are two forms of omega-3s found in fatty fish such as salmon and albacore tuna. These are associated with decreased levels of anxiety.
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for cognitive development and cell signaling and assist in the stability of the cell membrane in your nervous system.
Oddly, consuming more vegetables and fruit is associated with a decline in the prevalence of depression.
Antioxidant-rich diets may reduce inflammation linked to depression and anxiety disorders.
Berries contain various phenolic and antioxidant components that are important in preventing oxidative stress, an imbalance of damaging molecules in your body.
They contain very high levels of anthocyanins, the substance that gives some berries their purple-blue hue.
A nutritious grain like oats can keep you upbeat all morning. They come in various varieties, including oatmeal, cereal, granola, and instant oats. They provide 8 grams of fiber in one uncooked cup, making them an excellent source of fiber (81 grams).
Fiber aids in sluggish carbohydrate digestion, providing for a slow release of glucose into the blood to maintain steady energy levels.
In one study, participants who consumed 1.5–6 grams of fiber at breakfast reported feeling happier and having more energy.
Lentils and beans
Beans and lentils are rich in feel-good elements in combination to being rich in fiber and plant-based nutrition.
They are a great source of B – complex vitamins, which work to elevate mood by raising concentrations of mood-regulating neurons like serotonin, adrenaline, dopamine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).
B vitamins are also essential for nerve signaling, enabling correct nerve impulse transmission. Low levels of these nutrients, particularly folate and B12, have been associated with mood disorders, including depression.
Vitamin B6 is abundant in bananas and is necessary for synthesizing feel-good neurons like serotonin and dopamine.
One giant banana, weighing 136 grams, also contains 3.5 grams of fiber and 16 grams of sugar.
Sugar is delivered into the bloodstream gradually when combined with fiber, resulting in stable blood glucose levels and improved mood regulation. Too low blood glucose levels might cause irritation and mood changes.
Finally, this common tropical fruit is a valuable source of probiotic bacteria, a type of fiber that helps grow good bacteria in your stomach, mainly when the peel is still green.
Fermented food
Kimchi, yogurt, kefir, vinegar, and sauerkraut are fermented foods that may enhance digestive health and temperament.
Live bacteria that can convert carbohydrates into ethanol and acids can flourish in meals thanks to fermentation.
Probiotics are produced as a result of this activity. These living microbes may raise serotonin levels and promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in your stomach.
A growing body of research demonstrates that merely altering your diet can considerably improve anxiety and depressive symptoms, and mood. The various “Good Mood Foods” listed above have been shown to aid in reducing stress, boosting mood, reducing anxiety, or assisting in the fight against depression. Making healthy food choices may not only affect the health of your body but may also have an additional positive effect on your mood, so choose wisely.