Medical emergencies can happen to anyone, even those in good health. Specific instances are unpredictable; unavoidable accidents can lead to physical injury, anyone can contract viral and bacterial infections, and several health conditions can develop as we age. Even though being in ideal health will reduce your risks of needing medical care and enhance your chances of surviving infections and overcoming particular health conditions, there’s still a chance of experiencing a medical emergency.
With this, being able to react appropriately in these instances is critical, not just for yourself but also for instances where you might need to assist another individual. So, we’ve listed five significantly common medical emergencies, along with tips on how to handle these critical situations.
Bleeding Wounds
Cuts and other wounds that bleed are relatively common; there’s hardly a person out there who has never experienced a bleeding wound. That said, it’s critical to know basic wound care when dealing with this situation.
For minor to moderate bleeding wounds, the first step is to slow or stop the bleeding. This can be done by raising the wound above heart level and applying pressure. Once the bleeding has slowed, the injury can be cleaned with a saline solution, carefully dried with a clean towel, and then wrapped in suitable wound dressing.
On the other hand, medical attention is essential if the bleeding is severe. In this situation, it’s still crucial to apply pressure to slow the bleeding. However, from here, it’s best to head to Utah urgent care or your nearest emergency facility. When bleeding wounds are severe, medical practitioners will need to stitch the wound closed, and this cannot be done at home.
Breathing Troubles
It’s pretty scary to battle to breathe, regardless of your age. What’s more, there are several reasons an individual might be battling for air; these include asthma attacks, coughs, colds, or even allergic reactions.
Because these situations are incredibly urgent, the best course of action is to head straight to the nearest hospital if you don’t have an asthma pump or allergy medication on hand. Alternatively, you can phone an ambulance and remain calm.
That said, in cases where an asthma attack is a cause of breathing difficulty, the best measure of assistance while awaiting emergency services is to create a steam environment, which can help open airways. Help the individual into the bathroom and turn on all the hot taps while keeping doors and windows shut.
If an individual has collapsed near you, there’s no doubt that they need urgent medical care. There are several causes for fainting, and some can include severe health conditions such as heart attack or stroke. For these reasons, it’s crucial to position the individual into a recovery position.
The recovery position is simple to achieve, as you will gently roll the individual onto their side. This position benefits the individual and medical personnel, who can quickly move the individual.
Fits And Seizure
Epileptic fits and seizures occur in individuals who have epilepsy. Knowing how to help an individual through a fit or seizure is critical, even more so if you are a parent. Unfortunately, epileptic attacks occur with little warning, so knowing how to react could be life-saving if you have a toddler who may or may not have the condition. Beyond that, you might need to assist a stranger at some point.
Fits and seizures often appear as violent shaking, jerking, and twitching in all parts of the body.
Nevertheless, the best thing to do in this situation is to remain calm. It’s vital to move the individual into a recovery position and gently secure the individual to avoid risks of danger. In some situations when seizures are severe, the individual may benefit from biting down on a belt, although this is not always necessary.
Furthermore, it’s essential to contact emergency services right away, especially if the individual has not been diagnosed with epilepsy or is a minor.
Extreme Pain
We all experience some minor aches and nagging pains from time to time, whether from sleeping awkwardly or an accidental bump or fall. However, extreme pain always signifies an urgent need for medical attention.
There are no initial steps to take in this medical emergency, as it’s best to head straight to the emergency room or phone an ambulance.
In any medical emergency, it’s vital to remain calm and contact emergency services. Even though some emergencies can be mitigated at home, most require medical care.