In your blood, your body naturally creates anti-mullerian hormone (AMH). This hormone is crucial not just for the development of a baby’s reproductive organs in the womb, but also for the rest of your life. The amount of AMH in your body and the role it plays in your body differs depending on your age and gender.

Before discussing the anti-müllerian hormone test, let us first understand the basics.

Anti-Mullerian Hormone Levels in the Womb

In the first few weeks after becoming pregnant, your baby’s sex organs begin to grow. Your child has either XY (male) or XX (female) genes. Males have substantially higher levels of AMH, whereas females have much lower levels.

AMH prevents feminine organs from growing in male children while they are still in the womb. In some cases, a male newborn does not develop enough AMH. It’s conceivable to have both sex organs and indistinguishable genitalia when this happens. This is referred to as ambiguous genitalia or intersex. ‌

Only a modest amount of AMH is required for the formation of sex organs in female babies. After puberty, as your body begins to make eggs and prepare for reproduction, the hormone becomes more significant.

Anti-Mullerian Hormone Levels for Reproduction

Talk to your doctor if you’re a woman and have concerns about your reproductive abilities. An anti-mullerian hormone test can help you figure out if you’re fertile and how likely you are to conceive.

An anti-mullerian hormone test can also provide information about your menstruation to your doctor if you have any health issues concerning your female sex organs. The test is also a helpful approach to check your reproductive health if you have certain types of ovarian cancer.

Understanding an AMH Test

Anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) levels in the blood are measured using an anti-mullerian hormone test. For women who are having trouble conceiving, doctors frequently order blood work that includes AMH values. ‌

Throughout your life, your ovaries can generate hundreds of eggs. The quantity of eggs available for fertilization is related to your AMH levels. As you become older, your AMH levels gradually decrease. You may have fewer or no eggs available as you get older. ‌

You may have a health problem that prevents you from becoming pregnant, even though you are in your childbearing years. An AMH blood test can help your doctor figure out if you’re pregnant or not. It’s vital to understand that additional lab tests may be required to discover more about your potential to conceive. ‌

How to Increase AMH Levels

A low AMH level indicates that a woman’s ovarian reserve (egg supply) is low.

Low AMH indicates a low ovarian reserve, but it does not rule out the possibility of conceiving naturally. Unfortunately, there are no scientifically validated methods for increasing AMH levels. Vitamin D and DHEA, on the other hand, have been proven in several studies to help raise AMH levels.