Many people become more at risk of foot pain over the past decades despite their efforts to avoid this condition. While there’s a need for further studies to explain the exact causes of foot pain, there’s no denying the amount of agony and discomfort it could bring. Especially if the foot pain is left untreated.
When dealing with foot pain, know that pain management for it may vary depending on the severity of your situation. The possible outcomes could also depend on the types of treatments you utilise throughout the healing process. In most cases, patients use both non-pharmacological and pharmacy products as part of their pain management checklist.
Things To Know About Foot Pain
Foot pain is one of the most common concerns of many people. Aside from inexplicable aches in their foot, this condition could also limit a person’s movement. People suffering from foot pain often feel a painful sensation in their foot, extreme soreness, and numbness. Also, they might feel tingling sensations due to peripheral neuropathy.
Intrinsically, foot pain is a result of certain factors including injuries, muscle strains, and sprains. Bone inflammation, bone infection, and sprains in foot tendons and ligaments could also lead to foot pain.
Besides, other potential causes could lead to foot pain including lack of footwork, improper footwear, unexpected injuries, and underlying illnesses. Foot pain could also affect anyone, regardless of age. Depending on the severity, the symptoms of foot pain could manifest in your knees, hips, ankles, and back.
To help you more, here are some of the most common causes of foot pain:
- Osteomyelitis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Gout
- Bunions
- Plantar fasciitis
- Foot injuries
- Fractures
- Bone spurs
Treating Foot Pain
No matter how much effort you put into caring for your foot, threats of foot pain are still present. While it might not be easy to deal with foot aches, you can efficiently get through this situation with the help of the right people and the appropriate treatment options.
To better help yourself, here’s a list of some things you can do to manage foot problems:
- Take Medications
When it comes to dealing with symptoms of foot aches, one of the most common alternatives includes taking medications. However, before you take any painkiller or antibiotic, it’s best to consult your physician. Also, note that treatment options for foot pain may vary depending on its causes.
For starters, you can take over-the-counter oral analgesic medications such as aspirin and acetaminophen, or paracetamol. Some doctors might also recommend the use of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen to better manage your condition. In some cases, they may also advise you to take topical formulations of NSAIDs. This includes diclofenac to greatly reduce swelling and risks of adverse systemic effects.
You could also try natural home remedies to treat mild signs of foot aches such as getting a foot massage, doing some foot stretches, taking a foot bath, and maintaining your foot health. Also, you can use creams and gels to alleviate foot pain. For better results, you should consult your podiatrist and ask for nerve pain medications or block injections to numb the pain.
- Undergo Therapies
Aside from taking medication, you can also consider undergoing physical therapies. Note that this alternative is a vital element of foot pain management. Apart from that, massage and acupuncture therapies could also be of great help in handling symptoms of foot pain.
Primarily, foot massage promotes proper blood circulation in the nerves on your foot, heals muscles, and restores connective tissues. On the other hand, acupuncture utilizes needles to reduce painful sensations and swelling.
When dealing with foot pain due to physical injuries, it would be better to apply an ice pack to the affected area to relieve inflammation. Also, you can consider executing the RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) alternative for foot injuries.
- Seek Podiatry Care
When medications and therapies fail to serve their purposes, then it might be the right time to consult a specialist. Particularly, it would help to seek professional help from a podiatrist as they’re the ones who specialize in foot health. Seeking podiatry care could also create a huger difference in your pain management of foot pain.
In some cases, podiatrists may recommend the use of orthotics to provide support for your injured foot. Orthotics mainly focuses on utilizing artificial devices to promote foot health, including splints and braces. The types of orthotics you’ll use may depend on the severity of your case that may include rigid, semi-rigid, and soft insoles.
- Consider Surgery
Surgery is often the last option for people struggling with foot pain. When none of the aforementioned considerations works on your condition, then that’s the only time that your podiatrist may recommend surgery. This alternative is often advised for people with severe foot pain, which often inhibits them from moving and doing other activities.
Some of the most common types of procedures for foot pain may include:
- Osteotomy
- Joint fusion
- Fracture repair
- Arthroscopic debridement
Final Thoughts
It’s never easy managing foot pain. With many things to consider and numerous risks to be mindful of, it’s easy to get intimidated by its pain management. Fortunately, there are various alternatives you can consider to properly manage this condition. These may include seeking help from podiatrists and taking medications. You can also consider the above-mentioned tips. Through them, you have better chances of getting through your foot aches.