Metatarsus adductus, sometimes called metatarsus varus, is a common congenital malformation in which the front portion of the foot, or forefoot, turns inward. The metatarsus adductus is also known as “flexible” (the foot may be straightened to a degree with the hand) or “nonflexible” (the foot cannot be straightened with the hand). Metatarsus adductus has an unknown etiology, and it affects 1 to 2 out of every 1,000 live births, and it is more frequent in first-born children. However, several variables may place your youngster at increased risk, including the following:
- Metatarsus adductus is the family history
- The baby’s position in the uterus, especially in breech presentations
- When the child is in the uterus, there isn’t enough amniotic fluid.
- The baby’s sleeping posture (babies sleeping on their stomach may increase the tendency of the feet to turn inward).
- Also, Breech newborns, babies born to first-time moms, twin or multiple pregnancies, bigger babies, and kids born to women with low amniotic fluid levels (oligohydramnios) appear to be at a higher risk.
Metatarsus adductus is a condition that affects babies who are born with it. As they develop, they seldom require treatment. They may, however, be more susceptible to hip developmental dysplasia, a disorder in which the top of the thigh (femur) slides in and out of its socket due to the socket being too shallow to keep the joint intact.
In contrast to clubfoot, which takes years of treatment and should begin as soon as possible after birth, metatarsus adductus often does not require any treatment at all. Of course, this does not imply you should disregard it. A flexible metatarsus adductus, on the other hand, can often fix itself throughout the first few years of life as your kid grows and acquires experience with their feet.
Not all situations, however, will be self-correcting. The bent forefoot may remain throughout later childhood and into adulthood if the forefoot is very inflexible or if the condition does not improve. Adult metatarsus adductus is far more difficult to cure and can develop into other problems such as bunions and Jones fractures, Ankle instability, osteoarthritis, hip discomfort, and other common conditions. The clinical discomfort at the bases of the lateral metatarsals and cuboid area, known as metatarsus adductus, can be difficult to treat. This is what is termed periostitis, which is a stress syndrome.
The solutions include:
- Stretching exercises for the foot may be done at work or home.
- Splints or customized metatarsus adductus shoes are used to keep the feet in the correct position.
- Casting of the feet and legs. For optimal outcomes, casts should be replaced every one to two weeks for a length of time, starting during the first year of life.
- Surgery is rarely required, although, in extreme circumstances, it may be essential.
In conclusion, MTA may improve even without therapy. And, if your kid needs treatment, it is usually adequate. The child’s foot and leg will most likely appear normal, and both feet will be fully functioning. In fact, for runners, a small MTA may be advantageous. However, if the MTA is severe and does not resolve, it can result in bunions, hammertoes, and other foot issues.