Diabetes affects many parts of the human body. Diabetics can suffer from a range of conditions, including neuropathy. When this condition strikes, individuals need to learn about their options for treatment so they can get relief.
What Is Neuropathy?
Neuropathy is a condition that causes damage to nerve cells. Diabetic neuropathy damages the nerve cells and can cause a person to feel multiple symptoms, including pain and numbness. Scientists believe diabetic nerve damage occurs because of the abundance of sugar in the system. Do many people want to know how can I reverse neuropathy naturally?
There are four types of neuropathy. The following offers information on the types so individuals will be prepared to seek medical treatment.
Focal neuropathy causes a sudden loss of nerve function that prevents a person from moving normally. They may feel profound weakness in one or more areas of the body.
Proximal neuropathy causes pain and feelings of numbness in the upper thighs, buttocks, and hips. The pain and numbness can prevent a person from participating in their normal activities.
Peripheral neuropathy causes pain, numbness, and tingling that is felt in the hands, arms, legs, feet, and toes. Some people also experience painful burning sensations.
Autonomic nerve damage can cause changes in sexual response, urinary and digestive function, and increased sweating. Sometimes, the damage of autonomic neuropathy can cause devastation to the body’s function.
Can Diabetic Neuropathy Be Reversed?
Unfortunately, once the damage has been done to the nerve cells, they do not always recover. Diabetic neuropathy cannot be reversed, but individuals may be able to prevent further damage to their nerve tissue by keeping their diabetes under control.
How Is Diabetic Neuropathy Treated?
Aside from focusing on reducing the H1C of diabetic patients and ensuring their blood sugar remains under control, there are also medications that help with the painful symptoms of diabetic neuropathy.
By reducing glucose levels in the body, treatment is typically highly effective. While the damage cannot be undone, the pain and numbness can improve to some degree.
Diabetic Neuropathy Affects the Body in Many Ways
Diabetic neuropathy affects the body in multiple ways. Many people mistakenly think this condition only causes pain and numbness in the extremities, but this is not the case. The damages done to the nerve tissues can cause the following.
Digestive System
People with diabetic neuropathy can experience problems with their digestive systems, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and impaired hunger. Diabetic neuropathy can also prevent food from moving through the digestive system normally.
Reproductive System
Individuals with diabetic neuropathy also experience problems with sexual dysfunction. Males and females can both experience issues. Both may find it difficult to engage in sexual intercourse normally.
The Musculoskeletal System
People with diabetic neuropathy can experience damage to their joints that causes a lot of pain. Individuals may also experience infections in their feet and legs due to unnoticed wounds.
Diabetics Need Regular Medical Care
It is imperative diabetics see their doctors regularly. Bloodwork and another diagnostic testing will help to ensure the blood glucose levels are staying within the right range. Doctors will also monitor the health of the patient’s nervous system.
Diabetics need to make sure they carefully control their diets. Cutting out refined carbs and reducing sugar intake is essential. By taking care of blood glucose issues, individuals are less likely to experience damages done to their nervous system components.